Today we want to share with you an article from “Travel Agent” that made us smile and think positively. It brought to mind travel images and travelers around the world, it made us enjoy a bit of freedom, it reminded us of the importance of being able to discover new places and above all it recognized the value of travel agents.
The 2020 is the year we learned that life is fragile and the freedom to travel around the world can be taken away in an instant.
The strong human desire to travel, in 2021, will remain uninterrupted even strengthened after experiencing this pandemic and will guide the local, regional and national travel industry to innovate rapidly and make travel safer, more comfortable and more pleasant.
Predicting the future is impossible, but it is important to imagine it.
Following we describe some trends that will shape travel in 2021.
- Swipe right on tech: Touch less technology will inspire traveler confidence.
Transparency, clear communication, online payments are the winners of 2021.
In a recent survey by Censuswide, more than four out of five travelers said that the technology will boost their confidence to travel over the next 12 months.
We are also already seeing many airports adopting the COVID-19 rapid test, to incentivize travel, alleviate worries and avoid the need for quarantine.
- Travel agents: do not travel without their support.
The important role of travel agents is finally recognized.
The pandemic served to underline the crucial role of travel agents: anyone who did not have them in 2020 probably regretted it. As a result, in 2021 we will see travel agents become the source of all knowledge.
It is therefore not surprising that 40% of global travelers expect their travel agents to be ready to solve problems and provide further suggestions. With the quarantine rules constantly changing, the opportunities for travel agents are becoming substantial as they become irreplaceable sources of information.
- Travel Impact: Prior to COVID, there was a growing understanding of the impact travel has on the world.
The forced break created by the pandemic has given travelers and the travel industry in general the opportunity to reflect deeply on how we move around the planet: for leisure, family and work.
A recent survey found that 68% of travelers want money spent on travel to return to the community.
In 2020 we had time to think about what we lost: travel creates dialogue, connections and friendships. Travel brings valuable economic growth to countries and helps travelers learn from unique cultures and different lifestyles.
The wandering of travelers will be stronger than ever: it will be a year of renewal and reconnection. People will be more aware of the way they travel: they will want to minimize their travel impact and make sure their presence has a positive impact on their destination.
Source: phocuswire – travel-agent